My sewing machine has a new home on the kitchen table for the time being before a proper sewing table/ space is created. I don’t mind, actually is the best sewing area I have had in a while and I thoroughly appreciate it.
This is the first of many to come:
This brought up the question – Do I wear the clip? Someone else? Mannequin? Dog?
Personally I really like the idea of the mannequin.
A new search begins. A retro looking mannequin that can show off my hair accessories and allow me to practice up-do’s.
Ideally, I would like the base to resemble these beautiful ladies:
Found @: LBDK on Etsy
…but with hair. I think that is going to be the tricky part. A future project? Yes, I think so.
If you know where I may get a mannequin head with hair for a reasonable price please share!
What do you prefer: mannequin or human for a model?
If you like those ladies, maybe you could buy one, and then find a cheap wig to style in the way you want.
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